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Kate Cook guest author

Kate Cook

Kate is an Authorised Intermediary for Debt Relief Orders at Citizens Advice Leighton Linslade in Bedfordshire.

An Accredited Member of the Institute of Money Advisers (IMA) for 9 years, Kate passed the IMA's Certificate of Money Advice Practice (CertMAP) in 2011.

She is also a Branch Representative for the IMA, representing the views and interests of other IMA members of the IMA Council and Trustee Board.

Previously, Kate worked as a systems analyst for John Lewis in London but has worked in the debt advice sector for the last 13 years.

From panic to plan: the move to debt relief

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"It’s not an exaggeration to say that getting a DRO can be a life changing moment for our clients." We invited Kate Cook to tell us about how she switched a London tech job to become an Authorised Intermediary for Debt Relief Orders at Citizens Advice, writing off £1.5million worth of debt for her clients in the process.